I’d seen her picture before. Scrolling through Donate Life Illinois Donor Diary Testimonials, I’d seen her face… There are about 45 stories on the site – from recipients and donor family members. Mine is there. Not all of them have pictures and sometimes you spend a little more time on the ones that do. I’m drawn towards the stories of donors… Long ago I remember spending a little more time on Samantha’s entry… I knew her beautiful smile…
I was with her Dad and Mom, Tim and Deb, last Friday. I’d met them before, briefly… Enough to give them a hug and let them know how special I thought their daughter was – and how special they are – and to try to let them know what they and Sam have done for others…
Tracy from Gift of Hope, and Tim and I were invited to speak at the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine. Our topic was organ donation. We’re invited every year – it’s my favorite presentation. They have someone from Gift of Hope to explain the entire process. Then they hear from a donor family member and a recipient to give the audience the perspective of someone who has given and received this gift…
Like my Annie, who usually is my co-speaker at this event, Tim and Deb are amazing people… I overheard Tim explaining that telling Sam’s story is good for him too; it helps him bear his loss… To know the good that Sam has done for others, and helping others understand how organ and tissue donation saves lives helps him heal… I can’t even imagine how many lives Tim and Deb and Sam have touched – so many others will “heal” because of them…
We were speaking before 400 high school juniors, all around Sam’s age – all around 17 years old… Tim showed a few slides of Sam and spoke a little about her – then he asked everyone to put their hands in their laps and close their eyes, and he told of the morning Samantha died. He told of Sam kissing her Mom goodbye and leaving for school in a light rain… He told, as best he could because no one else was there, of her journey that morning. He told the story methodically and carefully, leaving out few details.
She did everything right – lights and wipers were on, in a heavier downpour she slowed to well under the speed limit – but on a twisty road she hydroplaned and spun into oncoming traffic… A semi-truck… She was killed instantly…
And after a good, long pause to let her story sink in, with our eyes still closed and most of us weeping, Tim asked, “What would you do with your body?”
Tim followed with a beautiful slide show, documenting Sam’s life – he showed pictures throughout her life to the Dixie Chicks song Godspeed…
I’m sure the ‘Chicks will forgive me for changing a word…
Godspeed, little girl
Sweet dreams, little girl
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
Tim explained, “We discussed organ & tissue donation the second she got her driver’s license. She definitely wanted to be a donor. Her willingness to share her organs and tissues was an example of her generosity.”
Sam’s brother created a little webpage dedicated to her… You can find it here. There is a beautiful poem titled, “Shining Down from Forever” written by Sam’s cousin, Kelly. There are several articles about Sam here… And here is Sam’s entry on the National Donor Memorial site…
Samantha Nicole Joos
January 20, 1986 - November 4, 2003
It didn’t end with Sam’s accident… Sam was able to donate tissue. Sam donated heart valves, spine, bone and other tissue…
Someone’s heart is beating steadily because of Samantha’s heart valves… Someone is with their family because of Samantha’s gift.
Look at this smile… Can you ever forget it?