I know Sue Fink through the Sons of the Never Wrong. She’s a sweet person who we often hang with at Son’s concerts – and she’s a folk singer herself.
She’s a lot of fun, and little nutz, as demonstrated in the music video. It’s probably also why we get along quite well!
She emailed me one day and told me she was making a little music video of one of her songs – and asked me if I would be willing to play a part – to play the part of a “dastardly villain”… Laura was reading it over my shoulder and said, “You know – you HAVE to do this…” I knew I did…
I make my appearance about ¾ through the video – and I did all of my own stunts. This is the result:
Damsel in Distress from Sue Fink on Vimeo.
Here is the YouTube version...
I know it’s not really about organ donation – but for some of us recipients, everything is about organ donation. So many people have come into my life because of Kari… Some people have come into my life simply because I’ve lived long enough – others, because the path of my life has changed. Sometimes it’s just about fun – sometimes it has a deeper meaning… Sometimes it’s a combination of both.
Sue sent me a note telling me she wanted to include a sentence about each of the cast in her post – She wrote that she wanted mine to be: “Dastardly Villain” (Steve Ferkau) is a sweet man who fights the good fight… I told her that she didn’t really know how much the little sentence she came up with means to me, and I sent her a picture as explanation… I like when things seem to come full-circle… It's like a little angel nudging me on the shoulder and reminding me she's around...
Kari’s Mom told me that in the months before she passed away, Kari was in a church and she came across a quote she liked – she wrote it down and showed it to her Mom when she got home. The quote is now inscribed on the back of her headstone: “I have fought a good fight, I have kept the faith.”